About Niobium

Unlimited Data | Uncompromised Privacy

Making Zero Trust Computing a Practical Reality

Niobium Microsystems pioneers Zero Trust Computing solutions, including the industry’s fastest homomorphic encryption (FHE) hardware accelerators. Our solutions allow companies to access the value of data while keeping it fully encrypted, keeping sensitive data private and supporting regulatory compliance. By accelerating FHE to unprecedented performance levels, we are enabling a new class of machine learning and statistical analysis applications with mathematically guaranteed privacy.

Niobium spun out from Galois, a leading cryptography and privacy technology firm, in 2021. We retain a strategic partnership with Galois, giving us exclusive access to advanced privacy technologies and expertise in FHE and compiler optimization.

Niobium is headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, and has offices in Columbus, Ohio, Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, California.

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