Robert Wiltbank, Ph.D.


Rob is Executive Chairman of Niobium, a custom silicon design company spun out of Galois, a computer science R&D company focused on building high assurance computing systems. Rob is also the CEO of Galois. Galois starts new companies focused on product application of the technologies developed through their R&D efforts.

Rob has been venture investing for the last 17 years.  He’s served on the boards of two acquired companies, Veriwave and Max-Viz, and was a partner with Montlake Capital, a Seattle-based venture capital fund.  He currently serves on the board of Galois, TOZNY, TangramFlex, MuseDev, CoinMe, and thatDot.

Prior to joining Galois, Dr. Wiltbank pursued academic research on angel investing returns and entrepreneurial expertise. He has published the definitive research papers to date on the financial returns in angel investing. He is co-author of two books, Effectual Entrepreneurship and The Catalyst, as well as many academic articles.  The Catalyst was selected by BusinessWeek as a top 10 leadership book in the year of its release and focuses on entrepreneurship in organizations.  Effectual Entrepreneurship is currently used to teach in more than 200 universities around the world. He completed his Ph.D. in Strategic Management at the University of Washington and undergraduate work in finance and accounting at Oregon State University.